Molly Maguires: the ‘secret society’ of Irish workers taken down in one of America’s biggest-ever federal executions
Posted by Jim on June 18, 2023
The Molly Maguires were an alleged secret society of Irish mineworkers who were executed in the 1870s
- 15:11, 18 JUN 2023

The legend of the Molly Maguires is one that has haunted Pennsylvania and the wider US for more than a century. The Mollies, as they were often called, was an alleged secret society of Irish mineworkers based in northeast Pennsylvania who fought for workers’ rights and fairer wages for Irish Americans amid horrific working conditions.
It was one of the largest mass executions of any group by the US federal government in history, but the facts surrounding the labor movement that worked and organized in the Pennsylvania coal fields remain a mystery.
Indeed the truth of what happened, as well as the Mollies’ very existence, is debated among historians to this day, particularly whether they were heroes or villains. In any case, the tale remains part of local Pennsylvania lore.

The story goes the name “Molly Maguire” was adopted in 1840s Ireland when an elderly woman reportedly named Molly Maguire was turfed out of her rental home by a ruthless landlord and left to fend for herself.
Threatening notes were soon plastered on landlords’ doors, in case they felt moved to treat their tenants the same way. The pieces of paper were signed “Molly Maguire”. It is not known whether the woman ever existed.
From around 1873, the Mollies, who belonged to secret societies in Ireland opposed to British rule, fled Famine-stricken Ireland in the hopes of a new life, but instead, they found themselves in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, where conditions were a horror show, and the work was more akin to mine slavery.
“Wages were low, working conditions were atrocious, and deaths and serious injuries numbered in the hundreds each year,” according to one account.
On September 6, 1869, for instance, a blaze at the Avondale Mine in Luzerne County claimed the lives of 110 coal miners. Relatives blamed the coal company for failing to finance a secondary exit for the mine.
In Schuylkill County, 566 miners were killed and 1,655 seriously hurt over a seven-year period because mine owners refused to install emergency exits or ventilating and pumping systems. Safety regulations, generally, were dire.

In response, employees began to unite for a better quality environment, and this is when many claim the Mollies were secretly formed to continue the fight.
The lawlessness is said to have erupted during the American Civil War when Irish immigrant miners killed a number of mine supervisors and executives on local draft boards who tried to induct them into the Union Army.
The chaos continued, and Northeast Pennsylvania became like the Wild West. There was a constant, tense back and forth between coal operators and their workers, and it is believed some of them took matters into their own hands.
The details are fuzzy going forward, but what seems to be certain is that Frank Gowen, president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, was secretly buying enough mines to gain control of the industry.
The Mollies had their own political machine and were reportedly in cahoots with the local Democrats, which had command of several local governments in Schuylkill County.
In a merciless bid to eliminate the last opposition to his control of the mines, in the early 1870s, Gowen hired James McParland, an Irish Catholic from Co Armagh, from the Pinkerton Detective Agency to infiltrate the Molly Maguires.

For two and a half years, the Ulsterman worked undercover as an informer, conspiring against his countrymen, but his cover was eventually blown. Gowen, under the title of the district attorney of Schuylkill County, then led the prosecution of the Molly Maguires who were indicted and then convicted largely on McParland’s testimony.
Members of the Mollies were accused of murder, arson, kidnapping, and other crimes. On June 21, 1877, the last of the Molly Maguires were hanged in the Carbon County Prison in Mauch Chunk.
British and Irish newspapers reported about the Mollies in Ireland throughout the nineteenth century. On July 7, 1845, an “address of ‘Molly Maguire’ to her children” containing twelve rules was published in Freeman’s Journal.
The person making the address claimed to be “Molly Maguire” of “Maguire’s Grove, Parish of Cloone”, in Co Leitrim. The rules advised Mollies about how they should conduct themselves in land disputes and were designed to build momentum among members.
Some of the rules included “no undermining of tenants, nor bailiff’s fees to be paid”, “keep from traveling by night”, and “avoid coming in contact with either the military or police; they are only doing what they cannot help” as well as “let bygones be bygones, unless in a very glaring case; but watch for the time to come”.
Whether the Mollies “let bygones be bygones” is, as mentioned, subject to speculation, but, to historian Harola Aurant, what happened was “one of the most astounding surrenders of sovereignty in American history”.

He added: “A private corporation initiated the investigation through a private detective agency; a private police force arrested the alleged offenders; the coal company attorneys prosecuted them. The state only provided the courtroom and hangman.”
The saga gripped the public so much that in 1970, it was transformed into an Oscar-nominated film, The Molly Maguires, directed by Martin Ritt and starring Richard Harris and Sean Connery.
Connery, already famous for playing a secret agent in the James Bond movies, played the part of Mollies’ leader, John Kehoe. Shortly before the movie hit the big screen, the actor offered his own lament for the group
He said: “Unless you give a man something, aside from malnutrition, you’re going to get retaliation, terrorism. I know what it’s like. Members of my family worked in the mines in Scotland.”
The Dubliners also wrote a song about the Mollies’ ordeal, that goes, “Make way for the Molly Maguires. They’re drinkers, they’re liars, but they’re men. Make way for the Molly Maguires. You’ll never see the likes of them again.”
Along with being dramatized and lyricized, the legend was made immortal when, in 2006, a Pennsylvania historical marker in memory of the men who lost their lives was erected in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, where the hangings unfolded. Irish pubs named after the Molly Maguires also stand in Phoenixville, PA, and Ballyconnell, Co Cavan.
There, visitors can pay their respects, and, if nothing else, simply acknowledge the extraordinary series of events that stunned the nation, and left a lasting impression of the fight and fortitude of the Irishmen in America.