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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

RFJ welcomes US Senate resolution on Stormont House Agreement

Posted by Jim on March 18, 2021

Michael Jackson March 18, 2021 10:53Relatives for Justice CEO Mark ThompsonRelatives for Justice CEO Mark Thompson

RELATIVES for Justice has welcomed a United States Senate resolution that calls for the full implementation of the Stormont House Agreement.

In an unprecedented bi-partisan resolution, 15 members of the Senate Senate have outlined “unresolved issues” set out in the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent political accords.

The resolution calls for progress on a Bill of Rights and “justice for all victims of violence, including state-sponsored violence.”

Welcoming the resolution, Relatives for Justice CEO, Mark Thompson, stated: “For many years Relatives for Justice and families have been received with support and encouragement in Irish America, particularly from the Ancient Order of Hibernians. This has been of immense importance as families continue to face British government intransigence and bad faith on legacy.

“This resolution now speaks to the political support that families have in the United States and we are encouraged that the entire resolution is framed in international human rights law and the peace process. Victims and resolution of their rights to truth and justice are central to the peace process and international human rights law is the key to unlocking the obstacles families face. The inclusive acknowledgement of all victims, with specific reference to those affected by state and state sponsored violence, is particularly welcome given their experience of marginalisation and isolation.

“This resolution now speaks to the political support that families have in the United States and we are encouraged that the entire resolution is framed in international human rights law and the peace process. Victims and resolution of their rights to truth and justice are central to the peace process and international human rights law is the key to unlocking the obstacles families face. The inclusive acknowledgement of all victims, with specific reference to those affected by state and state sponsored violence, is particularly welcome given their experience of marginalisation and isolation.

SHOUT OUT: President Biden did a call with Irish groups across America yesterday and among participants was John McNally of California who was proudly sporting his SPAR Craic 10K tee-shirt.

“That the resolution recognises this on the eve of the 1st anniversary of the British government reneging on their obligations to the Stormont House Agreement, and the week that the European Committee of Ministers call time on British Government continued violation of victims’ rights also calling for the full implementation of Stormont House Agreement investigation mechanisms, means it could not come at a better time for victims. We sincerely thank all of those involved in securing this unprecedented resolution.”

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